Email to Paul:
hi.. Im up. its 6:30. Yesterday was BRUTAL in every sense of the word.
#1 I was in class until 5:30.. we started at 8:30 and it was HOT and humid... (not in the 90s but around high 80s) by the time I walked over to meet my group at 8:30 I was already sweating and not really looking forward to being in class until 5:30 although Seamus was great... see below
#2 the classes were BORING today... the Irish seem to think the only way to teach is to lecture and the two lecturers I had this afternoon seemed to like the sound of their own voice. The woman acted like she was a nun herself as she moved up and down the isle ready to catch her students not paying attention. The second guy was supposed to talk about Irish Culture. He sat in his chair and just began talking and didnt stop for an hour or more when finally I got up and walked out at 5:30. I ran into the woman who is in charge of us as I walked doen the hall and she said "are you leaving us?" I said "oh yes.. hes just answering a few questions, see you in the morning!" I feel like a kid getting caught being "bad" HA HA I jokingly messaged a couple of the other woman "these people are taking 'oration' to a WHOLE NUTHA LEVEL!!!" I had them cracking up
#3 Around 2:30 I finally heard from the girls but they only seem to contact me to bitch /complain about the other. Walking home I texted them that they were grounded for the whole summer and that they ought to be ashamed of themselves. Bottom line Angela was aggravated that Isabel didnt want to go to the beach. Isabel didnt feel well as she had just started her period When I got home I heard the whole detailed account. Angela calling Isabel every name in the book and Isabel beating on Angela (of course I didnt see a mark on her). I just sat down and said... "girls... what can I do?... we are here and that is not going to change". I then explained how I felt and how even some of the people on the trip were struggling in different ways and THEY ARE ADULTS! There is a lot to be said about the program so far... long story short, it seems they are out to prove something to us Americans and have us running ragged. I feel bad I am not with the kids ALL day and I was expecting to be done for the day much earlier... like a regular 'school day'. We are in the same boat and the good news is, the schedule lightens up the last week
I finally decide to take Angela over to Salt Hill. I was VERY reluctant as it was already 7:30... We got the bus and made it over at 8:30 and a woman named Jackie from the group met us there. She took a taxi over b/c she wasnt familiar with the bus yet as we were. We talked to every local we came in contact with. Jackie is super friendly and people gravitate to her unpretentious southern way. She has a very hard time walking b/c she has some sort of disorder that could eventually leave her wheel chair bound but she keeps a positive attitude and a warm loving smile on her face no matter what! I thank God for her b/c she is truly my friend here.
We ended up really having fun over at Salt Hill but I didnt get home until 11:30. On the bus home I met a woman who reminded me of a typical Rosi girl.. she told me her whole life story almost immediately became protective of us helping us figure out the bus for Jackie going home etc... she also gave me her number offering to show me where the "free" places to see things were. I really liked her too, very sweet.. I gotta go get in the shower now. Another beautiful sunny day. This is very unusual for Ireland and we should be thankful (as I told the girls)
More later.. sorry the skyp thing isnt working out... Lets get Viber and try that. Isabel already has in set up on her phone... I have to wait 24 hours b/c I messed up
Love me
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