Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 6 Already! Salt Hill

I went on the Walking Tour of Galway with my group lead by Pather O'Dowd. I had to be at the Cathedral at 11. Hoping the girls would come with me and we would come along I expended unnecessary energy trying to coax the out of bed making my self hurried and frazzled.
I try! and I pay!... hope someday the girls realize.
Pather gave a lot of history...Galway means "City of Strangers" for one thing... he mentioned how archeologists found bronze, stone and iron which helps them date the settlement of people.
There was a lot to take in and it was difficult to hear over the wind. I would like to do another tour and hear more... fascinating! Paul will LOVE learning the history
while on the tour Angela sent me a Kik msg telling me she puked on the floor, then a snapchat picture of her sickness. I dont know why she got sick but she recovered. I had to tell her to clean it up of course and hand her a damp soapy paper towel to finish the job once I got home

After the tour I had a plan to take the girls on the bus to Eyre square and then to Salt Hill on another bus. Before leaving we had "tea" literally and figuratively...

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No matter what is going on in the moment the girls are ALWAYS ready to pose for a photo

back of the bus

Salt Hill water front

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 We went over to Salt Hill fish and chips for some chips.. then subsequently saw the bus pass.. oh well there is always the next one
 On the way back to the apartment stopping at the grocery store

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