Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 5.. First day of School!

Note to Jackie Coffey.. one of my new friends from VA

Good Mornin!
Its almost 8 and I am getting ready to go to class. My sweet little Angela came into my room crying this am at 5 saying she had been awake all night... 
Unfortunately her room faces the courtyard and the American kids are congregated together in 1 apartment making noise. Plus I think she is still adjusting. 
I was awake since 4 myself...Was able to fall asleep again but then only half way b/c  I have no way to wake up. I have to get myself set up with an alarm on my phone so I can wake up next week
I'll talk to you when I see you in a bit!

Also this

On the way to class today I went to the "Reception" to request a couple more blankets I planeed to use as "mattress pads" explaining that (and the one that Paul was to sleep on) I could feel the coils in the  mattress. I tried to put up with it saying to myself... "oh dont be a spoiled American". To my surprise the receptionist said without hesitation..."we'll replace the mattress today" WOW!

After class Jackie said she wanted to see my apartment... that lead to me inviting a group to come over for coffee...consisting of Terace, from LongIsland NY, Kerry Devine, originally NY currently VA, Monique from Maryland... just outside of DC and of course Jackie the group , from VA. 
Once we walked over to the apartment from the University Jackie came immediately up with me to see how the girls were and I was asked to strip the mattresses to get ready for the new ones to arrive. Jackie had a little speaker with her so we began to listen to her play list of tunes. Jackie talked with Isabel and Angela telling them about herself and her own grown children sharing pictures etc. The other women went across the road to Dunnes to get some cider and a cake for Monique's birthday!

The maintenance guys brought up the new mattresses and we threw the old ones out the window.. once I had them uncovered you should have seen the "state of them"... gross!

The other ladies returned with snacks and some cider. After we sat talking for a bit I said... "you know, I have a roasted chicken and I can make us dinner?" The ladies seemed to like the idea so I got to work. Terace helped peel the carrots and I cut up potatoes to par boil before I planned to fry them up with some minced garlic.
The dinner turned out devious because.. as I say, garlic makes everything yummy and the Birthday cake was devine!

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