Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 7... Sunday

We just got back from attending services at Galway City Baptist. From the Pastor:

I hope you are adjusting. This next week Galway should be having some nicer weather. Actually it promises to be some of the nicest of the whole summer.

I hope that you will be able to be at the service tomorrow and meet some of our people. We will give details of our coming Fri PM Youth event during the service.

God Bless,

pastor tim   : )

Unfortunately the taxi ride was 15 euro... now I see why when I told Tony (my old boss from the Olde Irish Ale House) I was coming here he said "I hope you have plenty of money!"...
The congregation was made up of a very international mix...Poland, Slovakia, England, and mostly African. I became emotional when they announced that Lula would be going home due her sister's passing... It was hard to pull myself back together as I thought about her grief and mine while singing songs.There was also a woman from the Congo who I was told is here alone, her husband on life support. The pastor gave a sermon from Acts 3..
After the service I spoke with Rachel from England and another woman from Uganda. A nice man (also English) introduced the girls to the Youth and the girls went out to hang out with them...we arranged a ride to and from the church for Friday night's Youth Group...

Sinead was visiting from Dublin gave us a "lift" back to our apartment.
Now we are home, changed and heading into the square to check out the goods at the farmers you can see we are in shorts.. its about 80 degrees.. Went to a Store called Pennys in the mall which is like Walmart. Angela got a very nice bathing suit she will wear at Salt Hill tomorrow when she and Isabel go. I got a new bra

Angela posting

Isabel making hamburgers

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